Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My First Award

I have been tagged/awarded by the lovely Nadia with the Sweet blog award! I'm so thrilled with getting this award ^_^ Thank you so much Nadia!

So to share the love... here are the rules:
  • Give this award to 7 sweet bloggers 
  • Make a post about the award including the picture and mention the person who gave it to you 
  • Put the award on your blog 
  • Let your nominated 7 know you've awarded them by leaving a comment 
 I tag/award: 

Helen beauty scribbler  
Selina flying saucer
Rita rita lime
Nikki dreams of beautiful
Helen in elegance
Lauren lauren loves shops
Caitlin chrysanthemum 

I know there's two Helen's. They are two different people but they have the same name. I choose these fabulous ladies because their blogs are great and they leave sweet comments!

PLEASE click on their names and check out their blogs!